Consumers Has A New Website!

Consumers Insurance-Insurance for Consumers, by Consumers-announces a revamped website, launching February 15th. Readable in both English and Spanish (a toggle at the upper right hand of the page allows the user to switch), and the new look sets the foundation for a robust digital presence, while the new quoting portal ( boasts a secure payment system. Redesigned and revamped, the new website has secure functionalities to increase customer’s convenience and ease of use.

It also adapts: mobile devices as well as desktops receive a custom view. Whatever the device, the website is accessible.

Lo más importante, people are now able to quote directly: the brand-new quoting portal enables people to both purchase a policy and sign documents online, so folks can inquire and start a brand new policy anytime they want, and Consumers direct payments system makes individual’s information more secure than ever.

New social media links on the page expand channels of communication, enabling even further customer interaction, and sharing content that is relevant to the customer.

Seguro de Consumidores: proudly serving the Chicagoland area for over three decades. Get your quick quote here: #insurance #communication

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